Felcorp Team
March 6, 2023
In this video, Tobias Fellas explains 6 ways to keep your data safe when engaging offshore outsourcing companies.
1. No work-from-home policy
Working from home is inherently more risky than working from a commercial office space. When staff numbers exceed 20 or so, It can almost become a full time job just trying to find out what each staff member is working on.
At Felcorp, we had a work from home policy during the Covid pandemic in line with government laws. The biggest issue was always trying to find out actually what each person was doing, how secure their internet connection was, what their internet IP address was etc. It ended up being a major staff management issue, as we were constantly trying to do Zoom and Teams calls to find out basic information that could be easily sorted if staff were present in the office.
As soon as the Covid pandemic finished, we immediately returned to the office and saw a massive increase in productivity (approx. 30%) and comfort knowing that our staff were adhering to our commercial data security policies designed around Australian privacy principles and standards.
We believe work from home just unnecessary increases data security risks as we cannot have clear oversight like we have in the office.
Avoid work from home if you can. If you are considering offshore outsourcing companies with permanent work from home, do your due diligence, get clear answers around staff management, internet access.
2. USB and external ports disabled on computer devices
Outsourcing providers should have their computer USB ports disabled. This is a way where external viruses can be downloaded to the computer device through these ports.
There is no need for these ports to be accessible as there should not be any information downloaded on to a computer device.
Large files can always be shared through cloud file storage applications such as OneDrive and Dropbox hence there is no need for USB ports on computer devices.
Make sure that the offshore provider has disabled USB ports on their computers.
3. Secure communication system
It is best to avoid emails if you can. Emails aren't that particularly safe and scammers are getting much better at utilising phishing emails that can seem eerily real.
Please use a secure communication app such as Microsoft Teams, Slack etc. At Felcorp, we've developed our own communication portal that upholds data security and cyber protection in line with Australian financial services cyber security expectations.
Communicating through these apps are far safer.
Try to avoid email communication where you can. Purpose built communication apps will have activity logs, 2 factor authentication and user restrictions.
4. Internet access and network risks
This point applies more to work from home arrangements.
Be vigilant for the outsourcing provider's internet and network security. With WFH, staff may be accessing unsecured and unmonitored internet access that can not be modified or protected by the company.
Therefore, there is limited control and management oversight to protect again network risks.
Get clear internet network company policies around staff working from home. Make sure those policies are detailed and outline how specifically they mitigate against external attacks and can provide business continuity.
5. Password management software
Password management is a must-have security consideration for all offshore staff providers. LastPass and other password software are great options to provide cloud security features.
Avoid any company that does not use cloud password management software.
6. Anti-virus software
Anti-virus software is obviously an important consideration for data security. Commercial anti-virus software allows company management to track all employee internet and online activity as well as remotely control staff computer devices to remove unwanted programs or shutdown malicious attacks etc.
Make sure the anti-virus software is a good commercial program that has end-point security, VPN access and management portal to track user activity and online sessions.
These 6 factors are the most important things when it comes to data security.
Please do your research and due diligence thoroughly when choosing a proper outsourcing provider.
To see our detailed data security policy suite, please visit our data security page.
Felcorp Support is an independent outsourcing staff supplier. All staff are employees of Felcorp Support and are not affiliated or in partnership with any other business outside the Felcorp Group. We do not have any professional services licences or registrations and never purport to have any of these professional registrations.