We right the wrongs of other offshore outsourcing providers so Australian financial planning and accounting practices can be confident in a staffing solution that is tailored to the practice.
Full Time Staff
We allocate full time professional staff into your practice. From Monday to Friday they are completing the work you allocate exclusively.
Month to Month
Our agreements are simple. Just month-to-month with 30 days notice. No lock in contracts or hidden costs.
Trained and Experienced
Our senior staff have between 5-10 years applicable Australian experience in your industry.
Your Process Your Format
We work to your workpapers and your process to prepare the tasks exactly as you require. We tailor our service to your needs.
Jobs Peer Reviewed
All jobs are reviewed by senior team leaders and managers to ensure work is prepared to your standards.
Data Security and Privacy
Detailed, regimented and secure data protection and privacy policies to ensure our staff meet regulation and best practice expectations.
Manjit Kaur, Director of Operations India
Price includes GST. Fees are in AUD. Pricing confirmed before trial.
Full time paraplanning staff between 1-4 years applicable Australian experience allocated directly into your practice.
Price includes GST. Fees are in AUD. Pricing confirmed before trial.
Full time accounting staff between 3-8 years applicable Australian experience allocated directly into your practice.
Price includes GST. Fees are in AUD. Pricing confirmed before trial.
Full time admin staff between 1-4 years admin experience allocated directly into your practice.
Find out more about Felcorp Support and hear from our staff in how they work with firms just like yours.
Get started with personalised support. We'll help create a tailored offshore staffing plan for your business.
Tobias Fellas (director)
Mob: 0401 050 537
Email: tobias.fellas@felcorp.com
L36, 1 Macquarie Pl
Sydney NSW 2000 (by appointment only)
Felcorp Support is an independent outsourcing staff supplier. All staff are employees of Felcorp Support and are not affiliated or in partnership with any other business outside the Felcorp Group. We do not have any professional services licences or registrations and never purport to have any of these professional registrations.